Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

United Kingdom

Sovereign: Queen Elizabeth II (1952)

Prime Minister: Gordon Brown (2007)

Land area: 93,278 sq mi (241,590 sq km); total area: 94,526 sq mi (244,820 sq km)

Population (2009 est.): 61,113,205 (growth rate: 0.3%); birth rate: 10.6/1000; infant mortality rate: 4.8/1000; life expectancy: 79.0; density per sq km: 652

Capital and largest city (2003 est.): London, 7,615,000 (metro. area), 7,429,200 (city proper)

Other large cities: Glasgow, 1,099,400; Birmingham, 971,800; Liverpool, 461,900; Edinburgh, 460,000; Leeds, 417,000; Bristol, 406,500; Manchester, 390,700; Bradford, 288,400

Monetary unit: Pound sterling (£)


The United Kingdom, consisting of Great Britain (England, Wales, and Scotland ) and Northern Ireland , is twice the size of New York State. England, in the southeast part of the British Isles, is separated from Scotland on the north by the granite Cheviot Hills; from them the Pennine chain of uplands extends south through the center of England, reaching its highest point in the Lake District in the northwest. To the west along the border of Wales—a land of steep hills and valleys—are the Cambrian Mountains, while the Cotswolds, a range of hills in Gloucestershire, extend into the surrounding shires. Important rivers flowing into the North Sea are the Thames, Humber, Tees, and Tyne. In the west are the Severn and Wye, which empty into the Bristol Channel and are navigable, as are the Mersey and Ribble.


The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy, with a queen and a parliament that has two houses: the House of Lords, with 574 life peers, 92 hereditary peers, and 26 bishops; and the House of Commons, which has 651 popularly elected members. Supreme legislative power is vested in parliament, which sits for five years unless dissolved sooner. The House of Lords was stripped of most of its power in 1911, and now its main function is to revise.


Perserikatan Kerajaan Britania Raya dan Irlandia Utara (bahasa Inggris: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland atau disingkat UK) atau umumnya dikenal sebagai Britania Raya, Inggris, Inggris Raya, atau Pulau Britania Raya (yang merupakan sebuah pulau dan negara Inggris merupakan bagian daripadanya) adalah sebuah negara kepulauan di Eropa Utara di antara Laut Utara dan Samudra Atlantik. Negara ini sebelum Irlandia Utara bergabung bernama Kerajaan Britania Raya. Britania Raya pada masa kini merupakan kesatuan beberapa negeri semenjak 840 tahun lalu. Skotlandia dan Inggris pernah menjadi dua entitas politik yang berbeda sejak abad ke-9. Wales pula dikuasai raja-raja Inggris sejak 1284 dan dijadikan bagian kerajaan Inggris melalui akta Undang-undang di Wales 1535.

Nama Kelompok :

1. Aminah Silfa Paujiah ( 10608009 )

2. Juwita Amalia ( 10608063 )

3. Putri Dyah Utami ( 10608091 )

4. Zara Saskia ( 10608131 )

5. Duwi Hartono ( 10608033 )

Kelas : 2 SA 01

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